Advantec Capsule Filters are disposable self-contained filter units that are 100% integrity tested and ready to use. Filters encompass absolute membrane or depth-type filter media and are sealed in a chemically compatible all-polypropylene housing. Offered in five different filter media: PES, PTFE, PTFE Hydrophilic, Polypropylene, and Glass Fiber and retentive pore sizes range from 0.05 to 70 µm. Use for small batch point-of-use filtration or set in serial mode to further maximize throughput. Capsules are available in three different lengths and four end-connections. Typical applications include batch processing of a broad range of fluids including tissue culture media, fermentation broths, ground water, and point-of-use sterile filtration. Capsule filters are perfect for pilot/prototype studies with eventual scale-up as many of the same filter media are available in cartridge format with a larger effective filtration area. Advantec Capsule filters are not for use with air filtration.
ADVANTEC Cartridge Filters are available in a wide variety of membrane and depth-type media. Suitable for both prefiltration and final filtration of fluids in pharmaceutical, food, beverage, and electronics industries. Available media includes Polyethersulfone (PES), Cellulose Acetate (CA), Hydrophobic PTFE, Hydrophilic PTFE, Polypropylene (PP), Glass Fiber, as well as various String Wound filter materials. Cartridge lengths are offered in single to quad and in a range of end configurations.