Calorimeter Overview
Stirred Reactor
Stirred Reactor Specification
Optional Fittings
Non-Stirred Pressure
Non-Stirred Pressure Vessels Guide
Optional Fittings
Sample Preparation Bombs
Oxygen Combustion Bombs
Acid Digestion Bombs
Microwave Digestion Bombs
Cell Disruption Bombs
Specialty & Custom   
Reactor Systems    

Media & Filtration Systems

Fermentor (Bioreactor)

Mass Flow Meters / Controllers

Cooling Bath Circulator

Laboratory Instruments

Hydrogen Gas Generator
6400 Automatic Isoperibol Calorimeter

6400 Automatic Isoperibol Calorimeter and
1138 Oxygen Combustion Bomb
Model 6400 Calorimeter
Designed for laboratories that require high through-put. The unit features a closed loop cooling subsystem and the highest automation in a calorimeter. The patented Quick Twist-Lock vessel closure design allows one operator to run up to four 6400 Calorimeters simultaneously
 The 6400 Automatic Isoperibol Calorimeter
represents the next evolutionary step in the Parr automated calorimeters. Inclusive and compact, the instrument incorporates a closed loop cooling subsystem into the calorimeter. This subsystem uses a thermoelectric cooler assembly attached directly to a one liter water tank which supplies cooling water to the calorimeter. An external nitrogen pressurized tank is used to supply rinse water to the calorimeter. This model features the fixed bomb and bucket design allowing for automated bucket and jacket fill as well as automated vessel fill and rinse. The 6400 requires one minute of operator time per test, allowing a technician to operate up to four calorimeters simultaneously.
 Expanded System
The 6420 Expanded System is a convenient way to order all of the components necessary for a complete system. The system includes the following parts:
• 6400 Calorimeter
• 1576 Rinse Tank
• 1757 Printer
• Extra 1138 Bomb Head Assembly
• 6038 Bomb Maintenance Kit
• 6409B, 1 Year Service Kit
 Laboratory Requirements
The calorimeter requires a source of 99.5% oxygen, a source of nitrogen or compressed air at 80 psi, and deionized water.
 Model Number :
 Tests Per Hour :
6 – 7
 Operator Time Per Test :
1 Minute
 Precision Classification :
0.1% Class
 Jacket Type :
Isoperibol, Water Jacket
 Oxygen Fill :
 Bucket Fill :
 Bomb Wash :
 Bomb Model Options :
1138, 250mL Alloy 201138CL, 250mL Alloy G30
 Balance Communication :
RS232C Port
 Printer Communication :
RS232C Port
 Network Connection :
TCP/IP via Ethernet
 Dimensions (cm) :
42w x 46d x 51h
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